Services for the Intellectually and Developmentally Delayed (I/DD)

Title XIX I/DD Waiver

The Home and Community Based Title XIX I/DD Waiver Program targets those individuals diagnosed with an intellectual and/or developmental Disability, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, and others. The I/DD Waiver Program is designed to provide services to its members in their home and community settings in a less restrictive option than services found in an ICF/IDD facility.

Developmental Disability Services

Waiver members also live in Supportive Sites with 2-3 individuals with developmental disabilities. These attractive well maintained homes are throughout the community and have 24 hour staff that help individuals with basic living skills, psychiatric/behavioral support, as well as nursing services to assist with medications for the Waiver members to live in their own home. We seek to ensure that the disabled person possesses the emotional and adaptive skills necessary to be active members of the community.

Adult Day Services

The Adult Day Services (ADS) Program is composed of three distinctive services designed to address the skill training and skill maintenance needs of the Mentally Ill and/or Developmentally Delayed consumer. Depending on the individual needs of the consumer, as determined by the Interdisciplinary Team, focus is on functional activities of daily living, replacing maladaptive behaviors with adaptive behaviors, maintaining his/her present level of functioning and/or increasing job skills. It is our goal that by addressing these needs we can support the consumer in maintaining his/her residency in the community by providing the services necessary for the consumer to be as successful and satisfied as possible in his/her living, learning and/or work environments. Adult Day Services are provided to consumers accepted into the program following Interdisciplinary Treatment Team approval. Programming is based on assessed strengths and functional deficits of the individual consumer. Individualized plans are developed and implemented, with the consumer's progress being measured at specified intervals.

Title VI Notice: Southern Highlands Community Mental Health Center operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. To find out more about our nondiscrimination obligations, to file a complaint, or to request this information in another language please contact us at (304)425-9541.
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