Substance Use Services

Office Based Medication Assisted Treatment (OBMAT)

Southern Highlands provides Office Based Medication Assisted Treatment (OBMAT) services, such as Suboxone, for those suffering with Opioid Addiction. The goal of the OBMAT program is to assist consumers in attaining recovery while also learning how to live a recovery-oriented lifestyle. In addition to medication, consumers are required to attend group and individual therapy sessions to assist with the recovery process.


An inpatient treatment program with a 3.5 level of care with 24 hour staffing and protective oversight. WAVES/LEGENDS consumers are required to attend and participate in the Therapy Groups, Recovery Coach Groups, and Supportive Groups. Consumers also receive individuals with Therapist and Recovery Coaches. WAVES/LEGENDS  does attend a meeting a day AA/NA and due to the COVID pandemic they are currently attending VIA phone, zoom or holding in house meetings themselves with the direction of staff. Consumers receive random drug screens and breathalyzers throughout their time in treatment. Consumers days are very structured with a daily schedule that breaks down everything including: Wake up time, group times, smoke times, free time as well as time to complete life skills. Consumers that complete WAVES/LEGENDS 3.5 treatment are able to transition into Inspires for long term treatment.  


A 3.1 level of care that is also inpatient treatment with 24 hour staffing. Inspires is long term and does come with privileges that are currently on hold due to the COVID pandemic. Those privileges include being able to have ones cell phone on them, getting a job and having 4 hour passes. The length of treatment for Inspires depends on court orders and insurance agreeance that the consumer requires more treatment. Types of groups, individuals, and a lot of the rest of the structure is the same as WAVES/LEGENDS 3.5. The content of the group changes as well as the amount of groups the consumer is receiving going from the 3.5 to the 3.1 level of care. 

 If you have any questions please feel free to contact Natusha Woods at 304-425-9541 ext. 1523 or by email at  

DUI (Driving Under the Influence) Classes

For consumers arrested for DUI, Southern Highlands provides the series of classes necessary for reinstatement of a driver's permit. The classes are approximately six weeks and are taught in Mercer and McDowell counties. There is a cost for the class. The fee must be paid at the time of enrollment and is non-refundable. Individuals may qualify for discounts with proof of income.

It is the goal of Southern Highlands' DUI Safety and Treatment Program to help ensure the safety of our highways by educating DUI offenders and by providing treatment to those identified as needing such services.
The Program is recognized by the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles but may also be modified within certain limits to accommodate the needs of persons arrested out-of-state.
After an assessment by a substance abuse counselor, the consumer is assigned to one of several levels which designate the intensity of this program: education only, education and treatment, education and intensive treatment.
The current educational curriculum covers such topics as an understanding of addiction, the bio-psycho-social components of the disease, the effects of addiction of family members, and treatment resources.
Individual and group counseling is provided to help the consumers review and assess their own use as well as their belief systems which may foster further problems with substances.
The program is abstinence-based and is strictly enforced. For those persons not able to maintain sobriety or abstinence, referrals may be made to other programs or agencies before, during, and after the educational component.
The program is made available to not only the residents of the three counties comprising our catchment area but to neighboring counties as well.

For more information, please contact Taylor Durham at 304-425-9541 ext 1236.

Substance Use Disorder Services

Title VI Notice: Southern Highlands Community Mental Health Center operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. To find out more about our nondiscrimination obligations, to file a complaint, or to request this information in another language please contact us at (304)425-9541.
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